Monday, August 5, 2013


Waiting for the big stuff is hard.  There's no way around it though.  When I was single I was waiting to meet the right guy.  When I met him we had to wait for our wedding day to arrive and my house in another state to sell.  While pregnant we had to wait for the birth. Then there are all the little things...teething to be done, learning to walk, learning to talk, etc.  

We're in a holding pattern now that has lasted for quite some time.  I went to my hairdresser this weekend and she said, "you seem so calm today."  I had to think about it for just a moment. I think what was different is that in this wait I reached my breaking point and realized at my core that it's not worth stressing about. Everything is truly in God's hands and as hard as it is...sometimes for the big things in life and the little things in just have to wait and be ok with what is.

So if you're waiting, please know you're not alone.  There are others out there waiting too.  
However, more importantly, God is there to help carry the load.

They that wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles.  They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31

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