Saturday, February 23, 2013

My New Challenge

So through an unusual chain of events I've discovered I'm kind of a crafty woman.  Perhaps it results from having a Grandma who made something out of everything from driftwood to shingles...she painted it.  Then there was her knitting, crotchet handiwork, poetry, journalling, writing, etc.  Or perhaps it was my mom who could create fun for kids and allowed us to paint and explore our creative side with anything and everything.  Or my dad who was always coming up with new ideas and new things he wanted to try.  Or his dad who I never met but was an inventor.  It could be from sharing a bedroom with 2 artistic sisters.  One of whom could play anything and everything on the piano.  Or the other who majored in Elementary ed and Art filling our shared space with pottery, jewelry, and paintings...(a nightmare for the neat freak in me but a bonding experience nonetheless).

Regardless of the beginnings or the source of it...I've realized more and more I NEED to create.  It's not just something fun for me.  It's a necessity.  So in reclaiming my life I've been trying to put more of a focus on my creative side.  Current and past creative endeavors include piano, choir, knitting, hammer dulcimer, cooking, baking, writing, poetry, teaching, felting, sewing, quilting, calligraphy, and there are probably a few others I've forgotten.  I seem to be having more creative bursts the more that I do.  I strongly believe I have A.D.D. that is unmedicated and in order to help control it I create.  The more I create...the more I can focus.

So that brings me to my newest creative challenge.  To create and sell my work.  It makes me vulnerable but it also challenges my A.D.D. side to actually follow through.  That's the tough one for me.  I'm great at generating ideas.  Great at motivating others.  Great at getting excited.  But give me a couple weeks or a month and my interest starts to wain.

So "Sparrows & Lilies" is born.  My new creative business.  God takes care of the sparrows and the lilies so I don't need to worry about Him taking care of me.  I just need to TRUST him.  Following along my theme of reclaiming things...I'm going to be focusing on using reclaimed fabric and wool to create new things.  Here are some items I've made in the past.  Thanks for following me in the ride.

Felted wool purse and flower using old sweaters and old button

Chemotherapy scarf


Cowboy vest using leftover upholstery fabric, an old fleece blanket, and some old buttons

Nordic print hat

Elf hat and checkerboard hat

Nordic hat in red, Polar bear fleece long hat in navy from old fleece pajamas

Doctor's office gowns AKA paint shirts

Felted wool hat from old sweater, old necktie, and antique button

1 comment:

  1. I love the name!!! and I am so excited for you in this new venture :-)
